

Woo woooooo! All aboard the Geek Train!

Inspired by blogs like Pop Songs 07 and More Than Ten, wherein super-fans analyze all the songs ever recorded by a certain band (R.E.M. and Pearl Jam, respectively), I've created "So Misunderstood" as a place to cover every track by the alt-country/Beatlesque/noise-rock/dad-rock/just plain RAWK band Wilco. Not only because they're my favorite group, or because I could babble for hours about their entire catalog, but because Wilco's twelve-year-plus history contains a vast treasure trove of great music that deserves to be reviewed in-depth.

Bear with me - as the author of "Pop Songs 07" disclaims, this is a side project, and one that I will update rather irregularly. However, I'm committed to writing about every last song, including officially-released B-sides and one-offs (like the band's contribution to the Spongebob Squarepants Movie soundtrack). I appreciate feedback and comments, so feel free to chip in your two cents. Enjoy the ride, and remember:

the best songs don't ever get sung
the best life never leaves your lungs
it's so good you won't ever know
you can't hear it on the radio


  1. Wow! So glad you're taking up the mantle of a Wilco oeuvre-blog, and thanks for the shout-out to my PJ one. I had started "Chrome Canyons" as well with the intention of giving Wilco similar treatment, but how effing hard is it to write one of these things, never mind two? Now I shall retire the never-quite-off-the-ground Chrome Canyons, and gleefully read your take on a wonderful band.

  2. Hey Jason! I am so stoked about your blog...looking forward to all your posts.
